Sunday 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017 - a reflection

There was a point that I thought I'd never make it through to the end of 2017. Things had gotten so bad and I couldn't even see a faint glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

I had lost myself in a toxic situation and I am slowly starting to find myself again and feel that happiness that was lost. I am still alone but I am not really lonely, I'm just better off than where I was before.

Although the last year has been really rough and tough, I've also had a lot of happy times. I travelled, spent time with friends and family, and had a lot of unforgettable moments.

I've gained and lost but what is life without that. I've realised the value of my life and I'm slowly starting to understand what I want tondo and what I was put on this earth to do.

I am still drawn towards helping people but I also want to progress writing and make a career out of that, too.

My plans for 2018 - i want to continue to progress in life, I want to travel as much as I can, achieve some of my dreams, meet new people and have new experiences.

I say this every year but I do want to also become healthier just in general and  to lower my chances of dying young.

I want to touch people's heart and soul but I'm not going to be able to do that if I continue to  put myself last and others first, I realise the importance of taking better care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally.

Life is a battlefield.

Happy new year .

Saturday 21 October 2017

My Addiction

He was my drug. 
Deadly and addictive. 

No good for me, but i could never let it go, could never give it up. 

when he was nowhere to be found i was fiending for him like a crackhead.  But then whenever i got another hit I knew it wasn't worth it, i was just playing myself. 

After the rejection came the withdrawal symptoms. Slowly but surely, my cravings for him increased, but then they peaked and over time they became less and less. 

I no longer sat awake, crying, calling out for him. It was hard but i knew he wasn't what i needed, he was just a dirty, disgusting habit that i needed to be rid of and break free from. 

He is now poisoning some other bitch's life, leaving track marks on her arms. She wakes up with the after effects of the come down, wishing she had never felt the touch of his love. 

But he's no longer mine and no longer my problem.  No longer my problem. 

What goes around comes around, ain't that how the story goes? 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

New years not so new me!

So February had come and once again I've filled mty pledge to start a new diet and exercise regime this January.

I've probably gained more weight than losing any...

Although I have a holiday coming up in June I just don't have any motivation, even though I wanted to do it for my health, I've still failed.

February is here now so I still have more than enough time to make even the smallest change....

Watch thus space...... 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Astley Graham - the inspiration..

#morningmotivation I just love the way Astley Graham owns it and rocks it, she's so comfortable with who she is and the way she looks, no matter what the haters say! Remember if you're not happy, you can always try to change whatever it is, no matter how long it takes 😊

Friday 30 December 2016

New year, new fitness goals

TtTTIn just six months she was able to make an amazing transformation. Never give up, summer is only a few months away now and no-one wants to be that self conscious person by the pool or on the beach. Let's get going and make it happen! I say it all the time but this new year I am determined to make a change, no matter how big or small. I WIL do it and you will see the change in me. I'm doing this all by myself, for myself.  Watch me! Xoxo #healthiswealth

Saturday 9 July 2016

Vlog - Black Lives Matter

Please click the link below to watch my latest vlog, in which I speak on the black lives matter movement and police brutality.

Saturday 28 May 2016


The length of time that you've known someone doesn't always determine the quality of a friendship or relationship. 

There are people in my life that I've known for months who I trust more and can rely onore than people I've known for years. These same people I've known for years are the ones who consistently take the piss and can never be bothered to be there for me until it suits them.

I'm at a point where I simply feel like enough is enough.