The official stereotype is that girls are all bitches who secretly can't stand each other - thanks to movies like Mean Girls.
As a girl, I can say that unfortunately, this is true in some cases. In school, there were people I pretended to like, but it was because I didnt want to have to deal with them starting a conflict. These girls were the kind of people that would suddenly hate you one day, and be your best friend the next. So it was best for everyone for me to pretend that I was cool with them. As soon as school was done, we no longer spoke (thank God)
But funnily enough, I never really saw the white and asian girls having fights among themselves; it always seemed to be the black girls. I think that's what it is, black girls just don't know how to be cool with each other with no conflicts, they always have to have a reason to hate someone or to make one single person feel like shit.
I remember times when they would choose who to single out, but I was usually the victim. There was a point where I had about two friends in the entire school. But the joke is, the whole thing started with just two of the girls, then one by one they all decided to stop talking to me.
When this happened, it taught me that I can't trust anybody except myself, especially when it comes to females.
So for about 6 months, I kept myself to myself and stayed away from the bitches. Then all of a sudden, the original two who started the whole thing decided they wanted to be my friends again.
That year I spent my birthday with four people.
At the beginning of the next school year, they were all talking to me again, as if they had never done anything. This is why I am now cautious about the friends I make.
I'm sure there are people who think that boys don't act bitchily, but I know they do - I've seen the behaviour with my own two eyes. Boys' bitchiness is just more sly, they do it in ways you wouldn't realise - like excluding someone from a football game, or not bringing them in on the latest batch of pussy.
But then when it comes down to it, boys are more likely to be honest about their bitchiness - they don't care who knows, its like they're challenging the other person to a fight, coz a "real badman don't need to front"
The one similarity between male bitchiness and female bitchiness is that one day two people can be enemies, the next you'll see them walking around together like best buds again. For example, one day I was walking out of school, and there was an older girl walking nearby, talking about how much she 'hated' a girl in my year. The next day, I saw her holding hands with the girl -_-
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