10 helpful tips for sticking to your diet over the Christmas period
1)if you can, offer to host or cook. This way you control the majority of the food being served at events and you can tailor things to your needs.
2) Steer clear of white cards (bread, rice, pasta and potatoes) and stick to healthier versions such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, brown bread, wholemeal pasta or even gluten free options if that's what you prefer.
3) fill your plate with protein rich foods, such as lean meat and poultry, eat some fish and make sure you have vegetables.
4) still try to drink 2 litres or 8 glasses of water everyday, and stay away from fizzy drinks which will cause bloating.
5) grill your meat, chicken and fish whenever possible.
6) steam your vegetables rather than boiling them as this will retain all the necessary nutrients in them.
7) after eating, take a breather, drink some water and wait about twenty minutes. If you still feel hungry, go back for more.
8) be aware of the calories in alcoholic drinks if you are counting your calories.
9) if you're at a party, dance! Dancing can burn calories without you really having to try.
10) follow the alternate day rule. For example, eat light meals on Christmas Eve, eat freely on Christmas day then return to light meals on boxing day.
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