Thursday, 2 January 2014

How do you know when to give up?

Sometimes 'love' can be very painful, and no matter how much your significant other keeps hurting you, you stay around... This leads to you feeling like a fool and wondering if things will ever get any better, and it becomes a pattern

Despite what everyone around you is telling you, for some crazy reason you just keep holding on - despite the tears, the hurt and the loneliness.

You wonder if that person will ever see what is in front of them, and then you begin doubting yourself.... Am I too fat, am i not pretty enough etc etc

every time you try to put yourself first it doesn't even work coz that other person might not even notice or care....

you speak to them about how you feel but nothing changes, its just the same old "baby ima do right" but still, nothing changes

they make all these big empty promises with no intention of ever fulfilling them

my advice to anyone in this situation - just give up as soon as the bullshit starts..... or you will live to regret it and wish you ad valued yourself more. 

Peace and love

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