Thursday, 13 November 2014

Kim K 'Paper Magazine' photos - my opinion

So we all know Kim Kardashian is a beautiful, sexy, attractive woman.. But does she need to constantly flaunt this in the rest of our not-so-petfect faces?
And at this point in her 'career' I would've thought she'd have branched out and found a new "talent" other than parading around naked or in skimpy clothing.
I'm not  hating, don't get me wrong. I already said I think she's a good looking woman, I just think especially now that she is a wife and mother she needs to learn the art of modesty and humility when it comes to things like this.
One day, North is gonna have an iPhone or iPad or whatever and out of curiosity she's gonna type in her mum's name and a bunch of nude/semi-nude images will come up.. And a sex tape.
Maybe she doesn't care about that, but I personally would think twice before doing things like this if I was a mother, let alone someones wife!
But hey, each to their own, I just think she should cover up a bit, especially since at one point she kept saying she didn't wanna be known only for taking her clothes off... Well, she's doing a really good job of stopping that from happening....

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Population Control or just coincidence?

We are currently living in a world plagued by illness, suffering, sorrow and deceit.

This week, two public figures lost their battle with cancer (Lynda Bellingham and Joanne Borgella)  and I'm sure there are probably hundreds - if not more -  that also met the same fate recently. Now I'm not a scientist but I think it is a little odd that after all this time there is still not a cure for cancer, but rather there are some treatments carried out which can both reduce and kill the cancer, as well as methods to lower the risk of re-occurance.

As I said, I'm not a scientist but there a few charities and annual charitable events which are supposedly donating money to the cause and to research into a cure but is the money really going to the necessary source if after all these years we still don't seem to be any closer to a cure for this horrendous illness. Cancer is responsible for the loss of SO many lives per year but unfortunately there is still no curative procedure for it.

Onto the next illness that is also currently claiming many lives - the ever controversial 'Ebola Virus.'

Therr are many conspiracy theories surrounding the new and sudden onset of this virus, many of which involve potential population control and the  eradication of Africans.

Maybe it's because I am a young black woman but I do believe that this is possibly the case - the USA are trying to eliminate the threat posed by the idea of what could happen if all (or a lot) of the African nations were to unite. We would potentially be the most powerful and richest continent in the world. Obviously this is a threat to the USA because they are currently known as the most powerful country in the world and are notorious for invading countries to eliminate leaders and kill dozens of innocent people.

But they don't seem to be exactly denying that they could be responsible for this new outbreak of Ebola. This strain of the virus  is said to be a lot more powerful, killing more people than before and harder to cure. The USA  currently own a patent on a cure for Ebola which could also offer another explanation as to why they created and spread this virus. If suddenly a number of African nations will be struck with this disease and the only place to look to for and obtain a cure is in America then of course this benefits them, they will profit from the sudden need for this drug and of course they will soon be laughing all the way to the bank. I mean, am I the only person that from the start found it weird that they were taking any infected Americans back to America (the place where the cure was created and is being kept) but they seem to not be offering any assistance to the many afflicted Africans, and ratherm than sending in medical professionals, they sent in troops to help out.

Now for my final topic, something which I only recently found out about. Depo-Provera, aka the contraceptive injection, is highly linked to breast cancer, and is thought to be responsible for high levels of infertility amongst women today, especially amongst black women.

I'm not stupid, I realise every medication has its side effects and so on and so forth,  but this is not something the nurses and doctors are so quick to tell us. The injection was apparently tested upon many Zimbabwean women years ago and got the desired effect - infertility.  This leads back to the idea of population control and the eradication of Africans people. If African  women can't  conceive then Africans will be no more.

Sure, the injection is effective but how effective?  And for those who don't believe me, read the following article and tell me if one word doesn't come to mind *Holocaust*

As a graduate of Sociology and Psychology,  I am well aware of how the eugenics movement worked during the Holocaust and one can't help but to wonder if this is what is going on again.

Are people trying to 'cleanse' the world  in order to create the perfect society?

Call me a cynic, a conspiracist, a hypochondriac, even gullible if you want but I personally don't doubt any of this is true..  As for cancer not currently having a cure who knows why that is but it could also be linked back to this. It is a known fact that when black women get breast cancer they tend to get a more aggressive form of it and the fatality rate is higher amongst black women than white women.

Hey, I'm just saying.

What a world we live in!

Monday, 1 September 2014

When love is not enough

You give away the most precious diamond you own

But to some it's just a worthless stone.

Your love is nothing to them because they just don't care. They don't notice when you aren't there

Sometimes you can give everything to a person but it's just not enough

Why is love so tough?

Friday, 1 August 2014


Sometimes i wish i was stronger

The slightest things can make me sad or make me angry and they really shouldn't 

I wish there was a tablet i could take that would rid me of some of these irritating uncontrollable emotions

I hate letting people see me cry and i hate not being able to stand up for myself in the way that i want to.

People will always take advantge because i seem weak and my emotions will always be my downfall. 

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Brightest Star

Sometimes you want something from the bottom of your heart but maybe it just wont happen, no matter how hard you dream. 

We all do it - dream of seeing our name in lights but it seems so far, far away.

All you really want is someone to express yourself to but no-one seems to hear you, no matter how loud you scream out for help.

People see you under a dark cloud but continue on and pretend to see nothing.

But one day it might just be too late.

They care but you no longer wanna give them the chance to care, the chance to be there.

The chance to notice how bright your star truly shines. 

Thursday, 2 January 2014

How do you know when to give up?

Sometimes 'love' can be very painful, and no matter how much your significant other keeps hurting you, you stay around... This leads to you feeling like a fool and wondering if things will ever get any better, and it becomes a pattern

Despite what everyone around you is telling you, for some crazy reason you just keep holding on - despite the tears, the hurt and the loneliness.

You wonder if that person will ever see what is in front of them, and then you begin doubting yourself.... Am I too fat, am i not pretty enough etc etc

every time you try to put yourself first it doesn't even work coz that other person might not even notice or care....

you speak to them about how you feel but nothing changes, its just the same old "baby ima do right" but still, nothing changes

they make all these big empty promises with no intention of ever fulfilling them

my advice to anyone in this situation - just give up as soon as the bullshit starts..... or you will live to regret it and wish you ad valued yourself more. 

Peace and love